Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Leadership Day

Hey all!
I'm currently on our lunch break from Leadership Day at CTMH's annual convention.
Lots of exciting stuff already this morning.
COO of CTMH, Brian Holman, gave us lots of hints about all the great announcements to come tomorrow!! I can't wait!
Just a taste of what is coming for you . . .
- 'this is the biggest innovation since CTMH introduced acrylic stamps!!' So exciting! Also coming - stamp of the month will be easier to earn, online shopping is going to be revamped and hostess rewards are going to be improved!  Our new idea book is going to be jam packed with even MORE artwork and projects to inspire you!  (with larger print to make it easier to read and larger stamp images - so you can see the images at 100% of actual size!)  Can't wait to get my hands on that Idea Book tomorrow morning!

Lots of great announcements to improve all the benefits of being a consultant and make it easier to build a business!! (Hey team members - watch for an email later with all the details!)
We had a FABULOUS talk from Mary Flynn from the Disney Institute - - she had lots of stories about how Disney became what it is today from very small beginnings - LOVED IT - - very inspirational! 
Heading back soon into some business and creative classes and we'll get our first peek at the new Fall/Winter products!! YAY!!
Be back with more soon!!

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